Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 32: Favourite Book of the Bible

I have always been the weird kid who likes the book of Revelation. I never understood why people mostly tried to avoid talking about the book, and when they talked about it, opened with an apology or a comment about how awkward it would be. I found it fascinating. Mostly because I never got caught up in the whole “pre-trib?” “post-trib?” “holy crap, am I gonna be stuck here during that insanity???”. I wasn’t scared of the whole rapture thing, and the seas turning to blood and all of that.
Actually, I think that my reasoning for not being worried was because of all of the fantasy books that I read as a child (and continue to read now). Not that I looked at Revelation as fantasy. I’ve always believed it is real. And I don’t look at it to find hidden meaning, or think that it’s all word pictures that represent something else. So it doesn’t feel like a confusing book to me. I look at it as a fantasy book come alive. I mean, if you read the end of C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, Narnia ends in a very “Revelation” manner. And I, don’t know, I guess I have always thought that if Narnia could end like that, so could the earth.
Now, I could be totally wrong. Every single word of Revelation could have hidden meaning. But I would think that in that case, it would have a name more along the lines of “Haha...I’m Gonna Keep All of This Hidden From You and Make You Go Mad Trying to Figure it Out. Suckers...”. Revelation sounds to me like things are being revealed. I don’t understand why God would reveal things only to keep them hidden.
I do not talk about Revelation with people very often. Most of the people who will even consider mentioning Revelation are the people who just want to spend hours on pointless arguments about what the book means. I pretty much just say, “Eh, it either means what it says or it doesn’t. If it does, then it’s self-explanatory. If it doesn’t, arguing isn’t gonna make it any clearer.”

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