Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 36: I'm Not Interested in Your Causes

What causes do you support?
Despite the title of this blog, I do have causes that I care about. The main causes I care about are abortion (well, a stop to abortions...), horse therapy, women's rights, and responsible animal care. But within those, I hate 'shock value' campaigning. This especially happens with animal abuse.
Cosette was pretending to be so very abused...I think she was
trying for a starring role in a commercial.
The commercials on TV, or crap on Facebook where they show pictures and videos of animals being abused. I skip past them on fb, and mute the commercials. If people post such videos and pictures, I either hide all of their posts, or unfriend them. Maybe they're effective in some cases. Maybe people see it and it reminds them that they should adopt, or that they should support organizations that rescue these animals. But really, they just annoy me. I mean, I'm sitting here with my rescued animals (those that I currently have, though I have had many others over the years), and I'm sure that during the rest of my life, I will rescue many more animals as I have opportunity. But then this stuff pops up, and I have to see these animals and feel as though I am not doing anything to actually save animals, because there are still so many more that I haven't picked up. I do what I am able to, and I am happy with the rescues I have done, and I'm pretty sure they're happy (Leaf is snoring beside me on the couch, Cosette is curled in "her" chair, and Marius has commandeered the chair closest to the fire... pretty sure they're all pleased with what I have done). So I don't want pictures of animals that I can't do anything about stuffed in my face. If you want a good animal rescue to check out, Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation, Inc. is a great one. They post photos of the horses they have brought in, and sometimes they're in pretty rough shape. But then they show the transformation, and how a bit of love can make a difference to these animals. And if you follow them on Facebook, you'll see photos of past adoptions, and there are a lot of happy horses with their new (very happy) people. It make you want to adopt instead of making you want to tear out your hair because the plight of all of the abused animals in the world is simply impossible to do anything about.
Another Cosette commercial. Though this was actually her being taken
to the US to live as a totally spoiled puppy, she looks pretty pathetic, doesn't she?
I feel the same about a lot of pro-life sites. Most of them post photos of babies who have been aborted, and graphic descriptions of abortions. There is, however, one that I like. Save the Storks is a pro-life group that (so far) has not posted graphic images or descriptions to drive their point home. Instead, they share stories of people who were saved when their parents decided against abortion. They help the mothers and really make a difference instead of simply saying "Don't have an abortion" and leaving it at that. I seldom follow organizations on Facebook, because I get tired of the negative posts, the ones that try to guilt you into supporting them. But Save the Storks is one that I love, because their posts are pretty much always encouraging. You should check them out...

Anyway, if you have a negative post to share with me, don't. No offense, but it just makes me mad, and the shock value doesn't make me interested, it just makes me think that they have no positive stories to share, and therefore, why the heck would I want to support them? There's enough negativity in the world. And here's another fricking commercial on TV. Show pictures of the kid you adopted, or the puppy you rescued. It doesn't always have to be the one that didn't make it. Make a difference and then show the difference you've made rather than showing pictures of the kids/animals you couldn't make a difference for. Then I'll think you actually believe in your cause enough to do something about it beyond posting and hoping to guilt some other poor sap into doing what you're too lazy to do.
Just so you don't accuse me of trying to play the guilt card, here's one where Cosette was definitely not trying for sympathy. Just belly rubs...

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