Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 31: What Are You Looking Forward to This Year?

That's actually a super hard question to answer. A short time ago, I'd have said that I was looking forward to a big road trip this summer. But I'm not sure if that is going to happen. Partly because I was planning to take Cosette, and she is terrified of the car. So I may end up doing some other shorter road trips to get her used to the car.
I really want to plant a garden this summer. I've wanted to the last few years, and I've not been home for enough of a summer to actually do anything with a garden. So I really want to this year. Even if I am gone for part of the summer, I will at least be able to plant the garden, and then perhaps my Dad will do some of the harvesting if I'm gone when things come ripe.
I'm looking forward to seeing Leaf in the creek for the first time (well, she's technically been in the creek, but only about 2 feet, and she was terrified). And getting Cosette more used to it. And kayaking and whatnot. Maybe even when it floods.
Honestly, I'm looking forward to spending some time in the summer at home. I'm hoping there's a decent amount of time that it's hot enough for me to lay out in the pool in a bikini to get a little bit of a tan on my lily white stomach, arms, and legs, which have not seen sun in about 2 years :~) And I know my Mom is looking forward to having me around, playing baby shark in the swimming pool. That pretty much consists of me jumping on the float she's using while she's dozing in the pool. Or splashing water around til she yells at me and threatens to ban me from the pool. Yes, I am really 27 years old. Scary, isn't it. Parents, don't expect your kids to mature all that much :~P  

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