Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 37: This Year, I am Proud That I...

Didn't punch anyone in the face...

You probably think I'm joking... but I'm not. I really am not sure that I did much this past year that is worth being proud of. This past year wasn't the best...I suppose there are things that I could be proud of, but I'm not so sure of that. I have (as I've mentioned in at least 75% of my blogs) rescued 2 animals, and I suppose that I am proud of that to a point. But it wasn't something I really decided to do. In both cases, I just sort of did it and didn't think. So I'm not really sure that it's something to be proud of. It also wound up causing a lot of issues with my parents (though those were ultimately resolved and it actually ended with my Mom coming to India...).
It felt like a 'no good deed goes unpunished' sort of year this year. I'd go into something, thinking I was doing a good thing, and for whatever reason, it just didn't go well.

The one thing I actually felt proud of was the horse therapy crash course I taught in Pune. But even with that, I haven't heard back from anyone involved, and I don't even know if therapy is continuing. So I really don't know that I did anything lasting. I guess that's out of my hands though. All I can do is my best, and if others don't continue what I hate started, it's out of my hands. I taught them how to use horses for therapy, which was all I could do at the time. So I suppose that it is something I'm proud of.  

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