Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 41: Well That Was Embarrassing...

I don't really have embarrassing stories. I get embarrassed of course, but those moments don't usually come with fun stories. This is one of my embarrassing memories. And because my knees are in pain right now from falling on the ice, I was thinking about it anyway.
Last winter, around Christmas time, there was actually snow, unlike this winter. And with snow, you typically get ice. I'm usually pretty good at not falling on the ice. I either see it or I'm just able to catch myself before I wipe out. Sometimes though, I get distracted.
We were having family Christmas with my Mom's side of the family. All the kids (I will be included with the kids til the day I die...) were going out to sled. I walked across the sidewalk and I guess it was icier than I originally thought. I was walking fast so we could get started sledding, and paying attention to what the others were already doing (I swear, I'm like a puppy when it comes to paying attention to the correct thing), and I hit a patch of ice and slammed down on my hip. Of course, I was right in front of the window, and figured everyone inside had seen it. I jumped up and continued on my way as though nothing happened. And when I got back inside, I was right. People had seen my little crash. But hey, it was ice. Everyone in northern IL slips on ice at some point during the winter. It's not a big deal. That wasn't the embarrassing part.
Later that afternoon, we (the kids again) were going to play spoons. I went into the kitchen to get spoons for the game. Next thing I knew, I was flat on my back on the kitchen floor. I was wearing socks, but I walk across the kitchen floor in socks all the time without any problems. And I was only walking, not running. I didn't really even have a chance to try to catch myself. I was on the floor too fast. And all I could do was lay there laughing. Carla stood there, also laughing, saying, "Laura is on the floor again." So, of course, everyone knew what happened. I refused to stand up again in the kitchen, so my cousins finally came and drug me out of the kitchen. And then I was a lot more careful about where I walked the rest of the day.

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