Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 30: Time for Beddy-Bye...

I don't exactly have a bedtime routine. I don't have much of a routine for anything. But lately, my bedtime "routine" has been really messed up. I usually contemplate going to bed for some time before I actually do. Often while drinking coffee and reading a book/watching Supernatural or Community. 
Then I brush my teeth, and somewhere comes a thought of actually going to sleep. Instead, though, I typically curl up on the couch with one or more sleepy animals to watch some Night Gallery or Twilight Zone, or some such thing. It's rather hard to remain awake when snuggling  with a sleepy, very warm little munchkin. So I usually drift off,  using  one of the puppies as a pillow. With the tv still on. I don't sleep so well with that much noise, so I usually wake up after about 10-20  minutes and shut the tv off if I didn't shut it off before laying down to snuggle (if I did shut it off, that mostly means that I'm reading instead, and I wind up with an open book in my face...). Then, about 3 hours later, I wake with a freezing back (because I wasn't ready for bed, so I didn't grab my blankets. My  front and legs are often warm because I have a dog snuggled against my belly and one on my legs). I get up and shut off all the lights and get my blankets. Then I  stumble back to bed, still about 85%  asleep, but now with warm blankets along with the warm little critters. And, as snug as a bunch of bugs in a rug, we all drift off.

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