Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 35: It's Getting Close to Christmas, Right?

What is my favorite holiday? Christmas. I love Christmas. So much. The anticipation and the excitement. I love the music and the decorations (though I don't see why they start putting Christmas decorations up around Halloween. I mean, really, just let each holiday have its moment).
I used to think that I'd do homemade gifts for Christmas, and save money. Then I realized that if I made gifts, I'd actually end up spending more money. And a ton of time. But it is well worth it. The last couple of years, I've had a difficult time doing homemade gifts because I've not been in the country enough. So I've had to make them last minute, staying up all night in the week or 2 before Christmas to finish presents. But I still prefer doing homemade gifts. Although, there are certain things I do still buy. Things that have become a tradition. Like Cracklin' Oat Bran for my Dad. Weirdest Christmas present if you really think about it. But he really likes it, and it's fairly expensive for a box of cereal. We used to also get him maple syrup. Then Aldi got maple syrup, and it became something that he gets more often. We get him coffee and coffee cups. I think he got 3 or so coffee cups this year. Which is fairly typical. Christmas is the only holiday our family spends together, since I've been out of the country for most holidays lately, and Carla is in UT, and doesn't come home for every holiday. So we spend the day just sort of hanging out, playing games, having our grandparents over, and going to a movie.
To be honest, I'm not sure what exactly I like so much about Christmas. I hate how commercial it is, but I love seeing the decorations and hearing Christmas music in stores and whatnot, so it's sort of a toss-up. I guess that, in a way, I should be glad that it is so commercial. Makes the Christmas season longer. I like eggnog and Christmas candy. I like the snow, and Christmas trees, and wrapping presents. Oh my goodness...I love wrapping presents! I hear people griping about wrapping presents, and I just don't get it. I am always sad when I have finished wrapping my presents because I want to wrap more. One of my favourite things as far as Christmas prep goes :~)  

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