Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Outward Appearance.

It is so very easy sometimes to forget what these girls we're working with have been through. A weekend at camp makes them seem like any student I would typically be around at camp. I mean, I know theses are all girls that have been rescued from prostitution, but it's not the way I see them when they're jumping on me in the hammock, or they're making me bracelets during craft time, or anything like that. These girls are a bunch of crazy people sometimes. They're amazing.
But then it hits even harder when there's a testimony time, and one of the girls that was just clowning an hour before, gets up to tell her story.
You see a girl break down crying as she speaks about her Mother working in the fields. Then she tells about searching for a job so she could help her Mom, and how that led to her being sold to a brothel. Though she remains strong as she tells about being beaten and raped, she cannot hold it together when the translator begins to sing a worship song after her testimony. And all around the campfire, girls are sniffling and crying because they understand what she has gone through.
The first night of camp, one girl gave her testimony, and talked about how she tried several times to kill herself while she was in prostitution. She tried to hang herself, and even burn herself to death. And this girl is now on Horse and Rider, the movie about Leg Up, and she wants to share her testimony with anyone who will listen. She says there is no reason for her to be afraid to tell what God has done in her life. She is so goofy, and is always talking about finding me an Indian man to marry, and just saying silly things like that.
To look at this group of girls, you wouldn't think that they've been through what they have been through. But this shows why it is so important that they are rescued. These aren't happy women who have chosen to sell themselves because it is a lucrative way of life, where they have sex all the time, and get paid a lot of money. These are girls who have been sold againt their will, and they don't see a rupee of the money that is paid for their services.
Some of the girls have made bad choices; running away from home (though usually there is abuse, or another good reason for that), or trusting strangers or something like that, but in no way should that be enough to condemn a girl (or woman) to a life like this.
I look at the girls and see the joy and childlike excitement on their faces, and then I see major scars and I remember what their past is. But that is totally unimportant. God doesn't look at their scars, so why should I?
1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
How do we look at the heart though? I think I see it when girls are crying for one another, or getting chai and biscuits for someone who is not feeling well, or when they're cheering for their friends who are frightened to try something new. I can see the sweetness of their hearts that still survives in spite of all they have been through. And that is what God looks at, not the scars, or the attitude issues, or anything else unimportant.
I just need to remember this when they do something that grates on my nerves... :~)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I think

This is something I posted on Facebook in 2009. I was thinking about it earlier today, and thought I should repost it. Enjoy. 


I think that it is a good thing that I cannot see the plans of God... 

I think that poetry is simply how you express emotion with your hands... 

I think that abortion is pretty much, if not definitely, the worst crime... 

I think that one day we will look back on so much of what worries us now, and laugh... 

I think that it is good for us that God has a sense of humour... 

I think that many problems would be solved if Christians really cared for others the way they cared for themselves... 

I think that a little girl who has a horse as a best friend is the luckiest little girl... 

I think that friends of all ages (even those you don't realize are friends) are what truly make you who you are... 

I think that deep, intense conversations are one of the ultimate ways to deepen a friendship... 

I think that a true friend is the next best thing to family... 

I think that dancing in the rain is something that everyone should do at least once in their life... 

I think that swearing shows a decided lack of intelligence... 

I think that one of the most humbling experiences is serving people who would be considered socially below you... 

I think that memories would be the worst thing to lose... 

I think that when one person in a group is completely honest, that is when you see everyone's true colours... 

I think that things are blown way out of proportion a lot... 

I think that tragedy goes a long way in defining who you are... 

I think the worst thing a friend can do is to not be there for you... 

I think that sometimes, life cannot be determined by good or bad, but by how you react to either... 

I think that everyone should find at least one book that they can absolutely get lost in... 

I think God weeps when He watches us more than we realize... 

I think also that God smiles more than we would guess... 

I think that the ability to think is one of the best and worst gifts we have been given... 

I think that sorrow draws people together much faster and more solid than joy in many cases... 

What do you think?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thought you should know...

Hey all-somehow I doubt this news will really shock anyone, but I thought I would go ahead and share it now.
I was recently offered the position as Director of Leg Up here in India. And after a lot of debating, and discussion with people I trust, I have decided to accept. Leg Up has the potential to become a much more wide spread ministry; serving the community and even drawing people from elsewhere in India. But in order to do that, it needs someone who can be dedicated to the program, and who can put the vision into action.
When I came to India this year, I knew that there was a chance that sometime in the next couple of years, I would be offered a job here, but I did not realize it would be this soon, and honestly, I didn't think I'd accept. But after talking to Mala and hearing her vision for Leg Up, I realized that it is something that will be mutually beneficial. I will be good for the program, and it will be good for me.
Believe it or not, this was a tough decision to make. As much as I love India, I do not relish the thought of being so far from my family for so long. But for right now, it seems to be the right choice.
God did some really cool things bringing about my time in India, and perhaps this was the reason for all of that. I can be more confident in moving here, because God's hand has certainly been in it from the start.
So here's the basic plan: I will return home in June as planned, then spend about 6 months raising support and preparing to leave, before returning to India in January or somewhere around there. The dates are not definite yet. I will be renting a house in Ooty, and will most likely have a motorcycle so I don't have to hassle with the bus. I will most likely be returning home once a year, around Christmas time. Otherwise, people are welcome to come visit ;~)
I am hoping to speak to various churches or groups to raise support before coming back here. If you are interested in having me speak, or have any suggestions for me, leave me a comment, or email me at I get home June 8th, and will be available to speak after that. If I talk to you early, you'll have me when I am jet-lagged and have no clue what I am saying :~)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Come Awake

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave

(Matt Maher-Christ has Risen)

Joy unspeakable that won't go away
And just enough strength to live for today
So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring
Cause my faith is on solid rock, I am counting on God
(Desperation Band-Counting on God)

This Easter has been far more intense for me than any other Easter I can remember. Perhaps the reason is because of all that God has done for me lately. Because I have let go of myself, and accepted His will. And there is no other place that is better to be. 

There's nowhere else
That I'd rather be
Than dancing with You
As You sing over me
There's nothing else
that I'd rather do
Lord than to worship You
(Darrell Evans-My God Reigns)

My soul rejoices in God, the most pure joy possible. And Easter is a wonderful time to embrace the joy that God has for me; the desires he has put in my heart, and the way he has brought those desires to fulfillment. 
When Jesus died, he paid the price for all of my sins. And when he rose, he gave me reason to live, and a way to know God's will and enter into it. He is my reason to sing, my reason to live, my reason for everything. And nowhere can I find more joy than within God's will. 

Wait Now

So I wait upon you now, 
With my hands released to you, 
Where a little faiths enough, 
To see mountains lift and move, 
Yeah and I wait upon you now, 
Dedicated to your will, 
To this love that will remain, 
A love that never fails
Hillsong United-Second Chance

Psalm 37:5-7a 
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. 

I was fairly quiet with blogging my first 3 weeks or so here. I was struggling with why I was here, and I felt like I had misunderstood what God's will for me was. I was feeding and working with the horses, but I felt like it  was a job that anyone could have done. I was wondering if I was totally wasting my time. 
But now, looking back, I realize it was a time of testing; a time of being faithful in small things. Because, had I given in and thrown in the towel, I would never be in the position I am in now. It was 3 weeks of waiting on the Lord, and keeping myself in his will even when I didn't feel like there was a point to what I was doing. It was a good lesson about waiting on the Lord with my hands released to him; not trusting in my own wisdom, but knowing that he sees far more than I do. 
And I love it that I saw this on Easter. The day that Jesus rose from the dead, giving me reason for my life, is when I begin to understand his direction in my life. The more I understand his love, the more it compels me to seek him and follow his will. And the more I seek him, the more I understand his love. It is a never ending circle that begins with God seeking to reveal his love to me. Thank you God!