Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 8: Words of Wisdom That Speak to Me

A lot of people struggle with this. Especially as they get older. There’s so much pressure to use your time in a useful manner. But really, why is that so important? And who determines what is useful? Sometimes, the most enjoyable moments in my week are the moments that I am doing nothing useful at all.
One week, while I was in India this last year, I was spending some time at a farm, doing horse therapy and whatnot. I was being very useful, either teaching people to do horse therapy, or typing out instructions for what to do with it when I was gone, and explanations of why horse therapy works. I did a ton of research, and editing that research down so that the dozens of pages I sorted through were in a packet that was actually feasible for people to read.
Anyway, all of that to say that I was busy being useful a lot of the time there. I frequently had a movie or audiobook playing while I was typing, but was just sort of half paying attention to it. One night, however, Marius wasn’t feeling so good, and he really wanted to cuddle. So I stopped the stuff I was working on, put a movie on, and laid in bed, cuddling with Marius. We snuggled like that for the entire movie. I didn’t do anything useful, not even any sewing or knitting. Just cuddled with my little boy and enjoyed the movie. Sometimes I look at the way I have spent my evening or my day or whatever, and I am annoyed with myself. I know that I should have done something else, and I’m irritated about that. But this wasn’t one of those times. I loved the time with Marius, and even now, I am glad that I did that. I was wasting time, but I do not look at it as time wasted.
Snuggling with my sick little boy. He's so fat now compared to this photo :~)

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