Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 4: Drives Me Batty!

My top three pet peeves. Wow...to only pick three. Tough challenge. I’m just not extremely tolerant. Anyway...

Oh, and my translation of the term ‘pet peeves’ is that they are things that annoy me but aren’t actually major issues. So things like abortion/genocide/abuse won’t be in here. But I am not just being petty.

1. People who use text speak and misspelled words. Especially in professional or semi-formal interactions. I have had bosses who use so many abbreviations and such when telling me my schedule or asking me to pick up an extra shift that I can hardly tell what they’re trying to say. Even communicating with people in general has grown so sloppy that sometimes I’m not sure what people are saying. I know I sound like an old lady, but the way my brain works, it doesn’t properly process such things. And then you get to the fact that people are losing the ability to spell in general, partly due to a lack of reading, and it is just a mess.

2. People who start ‘discussions’ with the intent to argue. Some people use controversial issues like abortion or gun rights. Others use seemingly innocent topics such as ‘what kind of ice cream is the best?’ And you wind up going in circles about who is right. Usually these are people who are firmly set in their feelings (no matter how completely nonsensical), and who know that they won’t change your beliefs, but simply want to argue anyway. I’ve even had people tell me that they know there will not be any result from the argument, they just like to argue. I am all for a good discussion. Even when I don’t agree in the least with the person to whom I am speaking. But only when there is mutual respect and interest to learn from the other. If you go into a debate with an open mind, it is beneficial, even if you both come out of it with the same beliefs. However, if you go into it with the intent to argue, you may as well not even bother because your mind is completely closed to anything.

3. People who take pleasure out of ruining books and movies by telling you the ending, or at least a huge plot point. I couldn’t care less if they themselves like to know the end of the story first. If I tell someone I don’t want to know details and they tell me, I don’t figure we’ll be very good friends. If someone can’t respect a small request like that, why would I think that they would respect anything else in our relationship?

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