Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What's in a Name?

I've recently had people asking about the name of my blog, or making weird faces when they see the title, so I thought I'd clear things up and explain the meaning.
Dragon on my belly really has no significance. Last winter, I was given a bearded dragon; something that I have  wanted for some time. Pretty much anytime I was just sitting around watching tv, or reading, or knitting (or all 3 at the same time), I would bring Kazul (the beardie) out of her tank, and hold he for a while. Bearded dragons are known for being the friendliest lizards. Kazul liked to lay on my stomach, soaking up my body heat since it was cold out. Every time Mom would ask me to do something, I would say, "I can't, I have a dragon on my belly."
So we started making up a goofy poem that started out with "Dragon on my belly...", then each line used goofy words that rhymed with belly. When I was thinking about publishing a book of poetry (which is in the works, let me know if you want one), that name was suggested as a title. And I liked it. Around that same time, I was trying to come up with a blog name. I hate making up names for things like this. I was getting really annoyed, and almost just gave up on making a blog, because I couldn't come up with a name. So since it was something that had been floating around, I grabbed the title "Dragon on my Belly".
So there you have it. There is no deep, spiritual meaning to the title; I do not have a dragon tattooed on my stomach; there is really not much meaning at all. Just a family joke. I hope you enjoy the blog anyway :~)


  1. Dragon on my belly
    While I watch the telly
    Eating toast and jelly--
    Should have named her Shelly :-)
