Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Labours of Hercules

Today was a huge day! For Leg Up, for me, and probably most of all for Hercules.
Today was Herc's first day truly driving. We've been doing quite a lot of ground driving in preparation for this, but didn't know how he would feel about the cart. So we had an adorable pony in a harness, and a cute cart, and today was the day to put them together. Mala and I worked together in case he had any issues, but he handled everything like a champ. He didn't even flinch when the shafts came along beside him, then he stood patiently (mostly patiently) while we adjusted the harness and figured out just how to go about hitching him up.
I ground drove Hercules once around the arena to see how he would react (everything we do, we're taking it fairly slow. We don't want to rush and get him or anyone else hurt). He was totally calm, so I got in the cart, and we were off. The first couple of times around, he was a little confused about the shafts along his sides, and every time the wheel hit a rock (which there are plenty of in the ring :~) ), he would stop. But with reassurances and encouragement, he kept going, and in a short time was acting like he had been driving for quite some time.
Mala drove him, then got Abi, who was home sick from school. You know the girl loves horses when she's sick and will still come all the way down to the ring for a chance to drive :~). And Hercules performed beautifully. He has never seemed really happy in any job we have given him until now. He seemed happy, and even with two of us in the cart, and him doing a lot of trotting, he was barely even warm, and wanted to keep trotting.
I was about ready to pop. I am so proud of Herc! It has only been around 8 weeks (at the most, I'm not sure of the date when we started) since the time he was like, 'Ground driving? What's that? Aren't you supposed to be on my back when you have the reins?'
We still have plenty of work to do, but he has come so far. He really is a phenomenal little pony. Can't wait to try therapy with the cart...

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