Thursday, October 24, 2013

Holding on or Holding out.

I’ve been thinking recently about the way that we hold on to past relationships, whether friendships or romantic relationships. We look over them, wondering what was done wrong, and what could have been done differently. But often, we are holding on so tightly to those things that we miss out on what could be in our futures.
I’ll use an example from my past. Unfortunately, I have only dated one person, so anyone who knows me will know to whom I refer. But oh well. That’s life.
I was in a relationship, and was pretty sure from the start that it was headed for marriage. We agreed when we decided to date that we only wanted to date if there was a strong possibility of marriage. I had never before been in a relationship, and really did not even want one before we met and began talking about a future together.
I’m not going to go really in depth about this relationship. That’s not what this is about. Suffice it to say that I was very serious about things, and I really had a hard time when the relationship ended. Especially when I found out how much of it had been a lie. I felt stupid for trusting so completely, and I kept trying to figure out what I had done, and trying to find some way to make things right.
I spent way too long thinking about this boy I had lost. And the really sad thing about it was that I knew the relationship wasn’t a good one for me by this time. I had realized how much lying happened in the time we were dating, and I knew that I did not want to be with someone who seemed to enjoy being so dishonest. But I was still in love for some stupid reason, and I had a hard time letting go. I think it’s kind of a Webster girl thing. When we fall in love, we fall hard, and don’t fall out of love easily.
I’ve been thinking recently about the process I went through in letting go, and I think that the most important thing was when I realized that, in holding on to my past, I was ruining my chances for the future. So I had to let go. As you have probably guessed from the title of this blog, I realized that it was better to hold out for an amazing future than to hold on to a pathetic past.
And when I understood that, I saw that letting go was my best choice. And then, my biggest regret became the fact that I didn’t hold out, waiting for the best, but instead jumped into something that was obviously a mistake. But sometimes you have to make mistakes to see how important it is to wait for the great things that God has for you.
So now, I am holding out. Believing that God has great things for me, and waiting for those instead of settling for something that is less than the best. Who am I to tell God what should happen and when it should happen? He has far better things than the nonsense in my past that I let go of, if only I hold out for it, trusting him.

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