Wednesday, October 23, 2013


“We should be drawn to fellow Christians. We should talk to them about what God is doing.”

Sometimes I talk to family or friends, and I’m like, “You know, I don’t really like Christians. I should have more non-christian friends.” I know this is likely offensive to many people, but it is the way that I feel. There are days when I feel like it is easier to be around people who are not Christians, because honestly, they’ll act the same as my Christian friends, but at least I know where I stand with non-Christians. They don’t pretend to be living one way, while their lives demonstrate something totally different. They aren’t following Christ, and they don’t pretend to. Whereas, I often think that there is so much hypocrisy in the church that I don’t know what to believe about a person.
What I really hate though, is when God is doing stuff in my life, and I don’t really know if I can tell people, because I don’t think they’ll believe me, or I think that they’ll say that it isn’t God, it’s just the way things work, and sometimes things just fall into place. It seems that Christians are scared of giving God too much credit. Anything bad happens, and Satan gets all of the credit, but good just sort of happens. We should rejoice with each other though. Even in the little things. If someone comes up to you and wants to tell you what God has been doing in your life, you should listen. And you should listen without judging, or laughing because the thing that they are talking about is so small that “God wouldn’t bother with that”.
God cares about a sparrow that falls to the ground, and he clothes the flowers in the field. Why don’t we thank him for the “little things in our lives?

Because we’re humans and we’re dumb, that’s why.

There’s one person I know (outside of family), who I can talk to about anything that is happening, and not feel foolish, or judged. It’s nice to be able to share the smallest thing and not feel like it is just a small, unimportant occurrence, but have someone else also think that it is God working in my life.
And that is how we should be with other Christians. I’m not saying we shouldn’t talk about anything else, but we should talk about the things God is doing. Otherwise, what are we doing to encourage each other and build each other up?

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