Sunday, January 5, 2014


“It’s no good Montag, we’ve all got to be alike. The only way to be happy is for everyone to be made equal.”  ---Fahrenheit 451
Books, writing, thought, opinions. These make us different. This is sort of the basis of Fahrenheit 451. Every book offends someone. Huckleberry Finn offends African Americans, books on lung cancer upset smokers, things like that. So get rid of anything which may offend any people group, and there will be peace.
I’d be interested to see how something like that would work. Deprived of fodder for their difference of opinion, I would suppose that many would go along like cattle and accept the single opinion given them. But others would refuse. They would not accept the “facts” that they are fed, and instead would find out the truth in whatever way necessary.
In every dystopian novel, there is at least a small faction fighting the system. It is made up of people who will not accept what they’re told just because they’re supposed to believe it. And in these communities, there’s always a hierarchy. There is usually a group of leaders that make the big decisions, and everyone has their tasks to do in order to make the community run smoothly. People are working together, but they are not technically equal. When we are all equal, we lose what makes us human. We were made to be many different parts of one body. The world falls apart when every part is turned into a foot.

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