Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And I'm here.

Wow, ok, I was planning on being a little bit better about updating this before I left. But everything just got so hectic, I never took the time. So I am in Mumbai right now. I am spending about a week in Mumbai, because everyone says that I should see more of India than just Ooty. And yeah, I already have...
I got in last night around 9:45. Then I had to get my luggage, find an auto, etc, etc. The auto ride ended up being over half an hour (and they gypped me on the price, which isn't a surprise), and it was sheer craziness. The late hour, combined with the ride, reminded me of my first time in Manaus, speeding through town with Jon, worrying the whole time that I was going to die. Obviously, neither trip killed me, but both of them were very interesting. And the whole auto ride, I was absolutely fascinated, watching Mumbai go by. I love seeing new places and new things. :~)
Mumbai is a town that is a study in contrasts. On the one hand, it is a huge city. And it seems like a huge city. The traffic is like Chicago, except almost less civilized. Lines showing where lanes in the road are, are merely suggestions that most people ignore. There are 3 different speed limits, depending on what sort of a vehicle you are driving, but I do not think that anyone pays attention to them. Everyone swerves around, trying to get to their destination the quickest. But then you have people strolling across the street as though they are in small town America, where hardly any traffic goes through, and they certainly do not have to concern themselves with the traffic. No one would hit them of course.
Then you have fancy hotels and buildings, with homeless people living in their shadows, along the median of the road. Some have small shacks to live in, some don't even have that much. I see things like this, and I am shocked, but the Indians don't even notice it.
When I arrived at the place that I was going to be staying, I had to walk all around this apartment complex, trying to find the place I was supposed to be. The guards gave me directions, but they weren't very clear. I was trying to figure out where to go, and I looked up at the sky. The first stars I saw looked very familiar. There weren't many stars that were visible, between the tall buildings blocking them, and the light drowning them out. But these stars were stars that I would recognize any time I saw them. They were the shoulders of Orion. If you know me very well, you know that I absolutely love Orion. And I don't even know why. I think partly because Orion is a constellation that I see no matter where I go. Every time I have traveled, I have been able to find Orion. When I walk outside at night, he is the first constellation I look for. So to see him as soon as I looked up was really neat. It was like God was giving me something familiar to see, even though I was in such a foreign place.
I'll try to post updates a little more regularly after this :~) Once I get an adapter so I can plug my computer in at least. I need to go now and try to conserve my battery. 

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