Friday, August 29, 2014

How Much Less to Dwell in Me?

Sea waves crashing, horses running across a field, clouds roiling through the sky, an old forest without the sound of a single other person in it, a meteor shower. All of these have the effect of bringing me out of myself and making me feel like there is so much more than what is in this body. I exist in a deeper way than what anyone can see. Most people may see a tallish, kind of awkward girl, but there is so much more inside. Unlimited potential if you will.
To the reverse, crowds of people make me feel smaller than I am. Not every crowd. Crowds of students at camp, and things of that nature where I feel that I am doing something worthwhile are fine. But walking through a huge crowd in the city, I feel like I am collapsing inward, like I am becoming only what people see in me.
There's a Third Day song that says,
"All the heavens cannot hold you, Lord
How much less to dwell in me?
I can only make my one desire
Holding on to Thee."
When I see the wonders that God has done, the miracles of his creation, it reminds me of just how big He is. And then to understand that He wants to work through me...I can't even imagine how I could be worthy of that love and how He could even care who I am. But he made me, and he cares for me more than he does for the wonderful things of creation that completely blow my mind. That knowledge makes me understand that I am more than anyone sees, and I can do more than anyone else thinks.


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