Monday, June 30, 2014

Favourites of the week 27/4-3/5

You often see a few cows or buffalo or whatever meandering down the street, but my favourite is when there is a whole big herd blocking everything. And they couldn’t care less if people are honking or trying to get around them. They take their own sweet time doing whatever they want to do at the speed they choose.

I was walking and saw a couple of pigs, then the more I looked, the more I saw. They blended in so well, and I was surprised to finally see just how big the herd was.

There were a lot of birds in this field, but most were smaller birds. This was the only bird of prey there. He sat there regally, as though surveying his kingdom. However, I wonder, when I see birds like this, do they feel lonely? Are they happy to be perched there on their own, or do they want a friend or a mate there? Are some creatures created for solitude? It might make life a lot easier.

All of this area was spotted with fires where people were burning rubbish. It filled the little valley with a haze of smoke. And then I saw this guy standing in the midst of it all, talking on his phone. He looked completely mellow, as though he wasn't surrounded by smoke and fires. I'm sure it was just sort of everyday life, but it was an impressive look.   

In a way, I was disgusted by the fact that this was actually a blanket of smoke from burning rubbish. Not exactly the thing that you want escaping into the sky. But sometimes, less than ideal situations can make for a really neat photo. I like the way the Moula Ali dargah is rising out of the smoke in the background.  

A political rally going through town. Everyone gets involved with it, and it's crazy hard to get anywhere. Fun to watch though. I stopped at a little shop for a cup of sugarcane juice, and watched the 'parade' go by for some time.

This guy was surprisingly friendly considering the twitch scar on his lips and various other scarring on his head. He kept wanting more attention and would whicker at me when I walked away. He is a full grown stallion, but acted like a foal when he had someone who was nice to him. Another example of a horse who doesn't seem to have many reasons to trust people, but does anyway.

A sweet little baby. It had been so long at this point since I was around horses, so to be able to spend some time with a foal was super fun. His Mom had a bit of an attitude though, and every time I went to pet this little one, the stallion in the next stall (see picture above) would try to call me back to give him attention.

Went out for a drive and discovered I wasn't terribly far from where I stayed while I was in B'lore last year. And it was a beautiful evening to boot.

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