Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 43: Over and Out

My folks are home, so here's the last post of this set. Yay...
I guess I am glad that I did these blogs, though I feel like the main thing I learned was that I am a boring person, and I quickly run out of things to say.

A few other things I learned:
1. I enjoy using gifs. Especially of things that make me laugh. I've never used them in blogs before, and I figure that I can at least add them in there to amuse people in case my writing is too boring.
2. If I post a blog that has a title which makes it sound potentially negative, it gets 3 times as many views. For example, blogs about my siblings, things I struggle with, etc.
3. I am really harsh toward people. Though, to be fair, I'm pretty harsh toward myself as well.

4. No matter what subject I am writing about, my animals can come into it in some way, even if I am the only one who sees the connection.
5. I don't like feeling like I have to write every day. At least not like I have to write something for public consumption every day. It makes me feel like I can't focus enough on what I am writing because I have to also be thinking of what I'm gonna write the next few days.
6. I tend to ramble and have no idea what I am saying. I don't reread what I have written, because I know that if I did, I'd react like this:
Followed quickly by this:
So I don't check things over again. Pretty much ever. Sometimes, a couple of years later, I will reread my blogs. And them I'm surprised because I don't remember writing any of it. Sometimes I'm impressed, but sometimes I wonder what sort of madness I had whirling through my brain while I was writing.  
I am going to try to write more.... just not daily. And not with a planned out agenda. Though, you may have noticed that toward the end, everything sort of fell apart, and I was totally making it up as I went. So I guess from now on, I'll write as the mood strikes me, and see where that takes me.
Thanks to anyone who read this thing the whole way through :~)


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