Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Doctor isn't Real

Take a look at Facebook, or at any number of pages on Pinterest, and you will see people who have an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who. I'm not talking about people who are fans of the show. There is nothing wrong with liking a specific tv show. I mean, I really like Doctor Who. It's one of my favourite shows I have ever watched. It's fun, amusing, brings back lots of good memories of time watching it with the dorm. In fact, I'm watching a couple of episodes right now as I write this. I'm also stalling on doing a test I should be doing, but that's beside the point...
I am talking though, about people who are so wrapped up with Doctor Who that they forget to live their lives. They are too busy being part of the "fandom" to do much else. Despite knowing that it will never happen, they believe that one day, they will hear the sound of the Tardis, and will have their chance to run away with the Doctor. 
They care more about the problems in Doctor Who than they do about the problems in real life...

And they spend so much time focusing on what is happening/has happened/will happen with the Doctor, and hoping for an adventure like the one on tv, that they don't see that they miss out on the adventures they could have. Their time is taken up with top ten lists, buying expensive Doctor Who paraphernalia, watching youtube videos of the actors being goofy.
They spend time wishing that they could go on great adventures without realizing the opportunity is right in front of them, if only they would see it. No, they won't ever take a trip in the Tardis to some other world with the Doctor. BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EXIST. He is a bunch of actors, and some clever writers, and a loyal fanbase. And that's true of any fandom. Hogwarts isn't real, the Avengers aren't real, Sherlock isn't real. Even Narnia and Middle Earth aren't real. And, while there is nothing wrong with reading the books and watching the movies (I would even go so far as to say that a good dose of fiction/fantasy is healthy). But when it takes the place of the adventures you can have in your real life, it becomes completely unhealthy. I've known people who have actually cried when their letter from Hogwarts didn't arrive. 
Sometimes it is easy to use fictional stories in our attempts to escape from a mundane life. We think that someone else has a better life, whether a fictional character, or a celebrity, or whatever. And yeah, the Doctor's companions have incredible adventures. But that's because they've been written by professionals to be amazing, and to interest people. It's easy to make things look like they're completely great when you're making it up.
So start making up your own life. Not in the way where you take a notebook and pen and spend the rest of your life sitting in a chair writing fan fiction with yourself as a student at Hogwarts, or a companion of the Doctor, but in the way that you decide what you want to do with your life, and you do it. 
What is your biggest dream? I have dozens of things I want to do. And don't say you want to defeat the Daleks. Seriously now...What do you want to do? Big or small, it doesn't matter. Your adventure may not look anything like mine. Do what you want to do, not what others think you should do. Make your life something you are pleased with without immersing yourself into a fantasy world.

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