Monday, July 15, 2013

Endless Possibilities.

"Endless possibilities..." 
I used to use this phrase a lot when I was dating. My bf would ask me what we should do, whether that particular day, or in the future. I would throw out a few ideas, then say that there were endless possibilities. Especially when we talked about the future. There was so much that could be done. And I definitely meant it.
Eventually though, endless possibilities devolved into watching a movie and snuggling on the couch, or in his hammock while we talked about the things that we should do. And never did any of them. Not that I was averse to cuddling, but I also wanted to do other things. I didn’t really care if we were doing something worthwhile like helping with an outreach together, or something completely pointless, such as playing tennis or hiking in the woods.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened had we taken some of those possibilities. Perhaps we still would have ended up breaking up and not speaking to each other. But it’s a lot easier to end a friendship when you don't ever try any of the possibilities before you.
Endless possibilities don’t always have to be overly spectacular things, but it should mean taking advantage of some of the possibilities.
That’s a phrase I’ve tried to avoid for a while. Brings up memories that I’d just as soon not think of. But lately, I have been thinking about it again. There still are endless possibilities for my life. And I have a decision to make about those endless possibilities.

Any time things don’t work out as I expect, or as I want them to, I get disappointed. I think life is falling apart, and I feel as though I am set adrift for a time. But what I need to realize, and what my mind and heart are starting to grasp, is that when things don’t work out as I plan, that is when there are endless possibilities. And when life is so open like that, I can either lie in a hammock and watch a movie, or I can get up and search out some of those possibilities. Even if it’s something pointless like going on a road trip just for the heck of it, or if it’s doing some sort of mission work that has a bit more of a point, so long as I am doing something that I enjoy, that is not just sitting around feeling sorry for myself, I am taking some of those possibilities. And they are truly endless.  

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