Saturday, June 23, 2012

Winter into Spring

I read a description of life and death the other day, and it stuck with me. It said that life; this life, we in now, is like winter, and what comes after this life (heaven) is spring. It seemed like such a great picture.
Now, I love winter, but I can understand what this shows. Winter is not something to be hated and dreaded. Yes, it is cold, and all of the flowers and trees are dead and bare, but that doesn't mean it's bad, or it is something that we should try to sleep through. My Mom does not like the winter. If she could, she would hibernate like a bear, and only come out once it is spring. And there are load of people that feel that way.
There are people as well who feel that way about life. They say that as they are not meant ultimately for this world, they will just get by and wait for the spring. Why bother with life if your goal is heaven?
But God chose to put us on earth for a reason. If he wanted to, he could have made you and plunked you down in heaven. He could have skipped the whole earth thing. But he didn't. And because he didn't, that shows me that he wants us here.
So WAKE UP!!! Enjoy the beauty of the winter while you're in it! Have you ever walked outside on a gorgeous winter day, when there is fresh snow on the ground, and the sky is such a brilliant blue that it dazzles your eyes? You walk through the snow, and it muffles every sound, making everything feel intense and solemn, but you can't help giggling with pure joy as you watch sparkles from the sunlight swirl across the snow, turning it into your own mid-day fireworks show. Maybe you walk alone, or you have a snowball fight with your friends, or play in the snow with your dog. And then, at the end of the day, you curl up with cocoa and a good book or movie.
But see, if you had skipped winter, you would have missed the exquisite beauty of a day such as this. You could have every lovely spring day, but still, you would have missed out on the wonder that God made for you. Just like you miss out on the wonder he has created for this life if you try to sleep through this life in order to just wait for heaven. 

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