Monday, December 9, 2013

Different types

It’s interesting to me the different friendships you have throughout your life. You have your BFFs when you’re little, those friends who will “Always be there”, but are mostly forgotten about in a couple of years. There are friends who stay with you your whole life, whether because you’re just thrown together through circumstances, or because you’re so much alike. These friendships stay strong for various reasons.
And then there are the friendships that appear, friendships that you never would have expected, but friendships that affect you in ways you need.
For instance, my two closest friends here in Ooty are about as opposite as they can possibly be. One would not pick them out of a lineup to be friends with the same person.

One is a British lady, a dorm Mom, and a Mom of 4 kids. She is one of the sweetest women I have ever met. We cook together, and there are always random mishaps as we distract each other from what we are doing. It probably often takes us twice as long as it should to make whatever dish we’re making, because we talk so much, but that makes it more pleasant. I would rather take 3 hours to make a cake with her than take 20 minutes to make one on my own. We talk about everything under the sun. Often, someone in her family will come and join our conversations. Her oldest son is usually the one who joins us for the longest amounts of time. He is amused by our insanity. The three of us frequently laugh so hard that we cannot speak, and our cheeks ache by the time we finish laughing.
She is like a Mom, an Auntie, an older sister, a best friend. She is everything that I have needed during my time here. I feel truly loved when I am with her. We talk about both the good and the bad when we are together. We commiserate, we encourage, and we listen to each other. It is a very mutually beneficial friendship. I never would have guessed the first time I met her that we would grow so close in the time I’ve been here in Ooty. I do not think I could have managed to finish my time here if not for her. When things were at their worst, she was there for me. And when good things happened, she was the one I told about them. She is an amazing woman, and I am going to miss her tremendously when I leave.

The other friend, as I said, is completely different. He is an Indian man, and there are days where he is my best friend, and days where I couldn’t care less if he jumped off of a bridge. Though, even on those days, for some reason, I would care. This friendship is one I cannot explain. Reason would dictate that the friendship end. Reason would tell both of us that some days. It isn’t a case where I am perfect and he is terrible. It’s a case where we are both, as he puts it, “Insanely intense people”, and that can be a volatile combination. We are both independent, hot-headed at times, and moody. Basically, our personalities are a recipe for disaster when they are put together. But in spite of this, from the time we met, for some reason, we have continued to be friends. Oh, there have been times that I thought the friendship was over. But somehow, we would smooth things over, and we would be friends again. Sometimes there are people who come into your life who, even though you often want to punch them in the face, you care deeply about instead. And this is one such case. I have no idea why. I don’t know why we became friends, and I sure as heck don’t know how we’ve managed to stay friends. But I am truly glad that our friendship has weathered all of the stupid, ridiculous storms we have put it through.

Two friends, as different as can be, but both in their own way, have made a huge difference in my life, and especially in the last few months. Without them, I would have left Ooty a long time ago. I am incredibly grateful for both of them. Usually more grateful for the former, but I love them both. 

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