Sunday, January 27, 2013

What you need

This morning in church, the pastor was talking about someone who wanted to go into ministry. This kid listed loads of things that he wanted to do for God, but in the end, he said, "I don't like people.". The pastor pointed out that this was not real helpful if you want to go into ministry, and you need to get to a point where you love people.

This kinda made me laugh. When I was younger, I did not like people. I wanted to do ministry, because even then, I loved God, and wanted to serve him. People suggested that I do some sort of volunteering where I didn’t have to be around people much, like at an animal shelter or something. While this was something good to do, I knew it wasn’t really ministry. At least not the kind that God wanted me to do.
So, before I came to like people, I began to do ministry. I interned at my church (which put me around loads of people), I went on mission trips (where I was wirh people), and I just did a lot of ministry. I still didn’t like people during some of this, and it was rough at times. But as I served God, I came to love the people that He loves.
I’m still not an extrovert. That’s just not my personality. But I genuinely care about the people that I am serving. God will grow you in the areas that you need for the ministry he has called you to. 

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