Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Life in Ruins Part 4

Some of you are probably wondering why on earth I don't seem to be doing much here in Athens. Aside from taking pictures of cats...Yeah...I wonder that too. It has been a little disappointing to find that there are a lot of challenges with volunteering. Mostly due to people wanting to hold on too tight to their programs. I understand that you start something, and you want to be sure that it goes well, but sometimes, holding on too tight can prevent good from happening. I've seen this way too much in recent years. And now I've experienced it on 3 continents.
I'm usually excited to say, "oh, I've done so-and-so on 3 different continents." For example, I've ridden horses on 3 continents (hopefully 4 after this trip...). I've taken Les Mis to 5 continents (so far only lost it on one, but I got it back...). Things like that, that aren't really that major, but are kinda fun to keep track of.
But this whole thing of dealing with egos on multiple continents is not so cool. It really sucks to be poised to do something, and have someone throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing because they don't want to let go of it.
So I am still trying to get some things moving. I want to do good while I am here, and I want to do good with the groups I came to work with. But while I am waiting for things to happen (because we're just waiting now, for the permits to come in and whatnot), I am going to enjoy being in Greece.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I'm so sorry it's not working out the way you expected and planned for it too, but you never know how God is working behind the scenes....you may have other opportunities spring up right on your path of discovering Greece. Or perhaps, He is preparing you for something else down the road. Whatever the case, I will pray that He uses you in whatever way He desires on this journey...Love you!
