Saturday, April 2, 2016

My Life in Ruins: Part 3

A couple of days late, but oh well...
First day in Greece. And yes, it was very eventful. Started out sleeping in a bit. Not all that long though, all things considered. That's one good thing about having a random sleep isn't as hard to get on a new schedule. It's weird, because I still deal with jet lag, and the exhaustion from that, but not so much the problem of being away at 4 am. How can it be a problem when that it's pretty normal for me?
I had a meeting with the people of the Melissa network at 4, so decided to explore a bit before that. The Acropolis is in the complete opposite direction, but didn't seem too far. However, I was not counting on the fact that many streets don't have signs visible, and often, the signs that are there are only in Greek. I would say that, even with a map (yes, I have learned to read a map. Kind of. For those of you who know my previous map reading skills, kind of is a huge deal for me.) I would say that I only spent about 70% of my time having no idea where the heck I was. Though, I was pretty sure the whole time that I was still in Athens. And I managed to make it to my meeting only 10 minutes late, despite the fact that I had hardly any idea where I was going.
 We were discussing all of the knitting plans, and I happened to mention my background with jewelry design, and teaching jewelry making in India. That got some attention. It turns out that the Melissa Network has a small grant to start a program like that, but didn't have anyone to get it started. So here we are. I can source the materials, and I know how to teach jewelry making.
So I was dropped of in Omonia Square, and told to just look down side streets to see if I could find wholesale shops where I could get an idea on prices. And I found quite a few that looked promising. The prices are pretty high compared to shops in India, but going by Greek prices, they seem reasonable.
That was an interesting turn of events. I was not planning to do anything of the sort, but that's how it happened...Kind of the story of my life. I had no plans to do anything with jewelry when I was in India either...
I spent the rest of the evening wandering around over by the Acropolis. There are so many cats here. They even have postcards and t-shirts and whatnot talking about all of the cats of Greece. So there I was, literally in the shadow of the Acropolis, taking pictures of cats. Yeah...
On my way back, I got totally turned around.  Got very annoyed with myself that I couldn't find my way, then realized it is only my first day, and I need to just chill and give myself a little time to figure out the town. Still managed to get back without asking for help or hiring a taxi. I'm gradually learning to read a map :~)
Since it's now my 3rd day, I suppose I should post this. I'll try to get something more detailed posted soon.


  1. Love reading about your adventures!! I also LOVE the photos (even the cats) as they bring back wonderful memories. We walked around Athens a lot too when we were there, but also had our daughter to help us out! If you want to see MORE cats, try going to Meteora in Greece during your next leg of sightseeing....visit the Monasteries there and you'll see many cats! Plus it is incredibly beautiful! If you go, let me know, there is a wonderful place to eat there in the town of Kalambaka. Praying for you each day....was very bummed about the Lesvos deal.....yikes. Those poor refugees....just making it across the sea, only to discover they have to go to Turkey. Praying for their breaking hearts.
    Can't wait to read the next chapter of your "My Life in Ruins 2016"! By the way....LOVE the movie too, we have it on Blu-ray. Just saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding II on Monday night....HILARIOUS!! You MUST see it when you get back....take care, be well, travel safe <3

    1. I figured that you probably liked the movie :~) I was going to watch it just before I left, but we couldn't find our copy. Think we lent it out and don't remember who to...
      I don't think I'll be going anywhere else in Greece on this trip. Maybe another trip. I want to see more of Europe, though being here makes me want to see more parts of Greece. Too much to see in the world :~)
      And yes, the Lesvos thing is ridiculous. So many kids still coming. I just can't see how anyone thinks it's a good idea :~/
