Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 39: Back in My Day.

I'm old enough that I could be one of those people who says, "You know, when I was your age, people didn't take so many pictures of their pets, and they certainly didn't take pictures of their food." But oh my goodness, it drives me nuts when people say things like that. So, just because several years ago it was harder and more expensive to take pictures, doesn't mean that no one should take pictures of super random stuff now that it's so easy to do. I mean, why on earth do we have cameras on our phones, and cameras that are so flipping easy to use? Because people wanted to be able to take pictures without spending a boatload on them. And without spending a ton of time posing for one.
Guess what... go back a few more years, and even your family shots every time you get together wouldn't be happening. In Victorian times, photos often had one or more dead people. It was so expensive to get a photographer to come and do a portrait that they only did it when they absolutely had to in order to have a remembrance of the person who passed.
I know that in the whole realm of things, what we take pictures of is really not a big deal. But really, why on earth should we not do something simply because it wasn't done 20 years ago? If we did that, nothing would progress in the world. We'd still be saying, "Well, back in my day, if we wanted to cross the country, we hitched up our oxen, got in our covered wagons, and hoped no one wound up with cholera or a snake bite."
Yes, I am using Oregon Trail II as my historically accurate picture :~) 
Whether it is something as simple as taking pictures, or something that actually has a real impact on your life, don't let anyone tell you how to do something just because it wasn't done when they were your age and they think it's silly. I'm single, I travel and haven't held a job longer than 10 months. I take selfies and I frequently post pictures of my food. And I don't care what people think. If I can't call myself a "photographer" because a proper photographer wouldn't post things like that, I really don't care. I'll do what I want and what makes me happy whether it is old fashioned, new fashioned, or completely out there. And you should as well.  

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