Saturday, March 29, 2014

I’m An Elephant

I was at an event the other night, which was similar in execution to a South Indian wedding. So we were talking about weddings and such. Not a terribly unusual topic. One of the girls with me asked if I had any plans of marriage. I said I’d like to eventually be married, but I don’t have plans, and she told me the reason for that is probably because I’m never home long enough to be in a relationship. I told her that was my Grama’s advice too, and she acted as though it was sort of a done deal, and I’d be heading home as soon as I finish the job so that I could sit and wait for my Prince charming.


Like that’s gonna happen…

I explained to her that if I have to go and sit in one place for an extended period of time in order to give the guy of my dreams time to find me, I’m not interested. If God doesn’t bring someone into my life while I’m doing the things he’s told me to do, I guess I’m meant to stay single. Sitting in one place to wait for someone doesn’t sound like great advice if you want that person to be your travel buddy. And I’m not interested in a guy who would be sitting around either.

I get a lot of advice about relationships. Both from people I know, and from people I don’t know. I think the best of it came from my Mom. And possibly Buddha… neither of us bothered to look up the quote…

 I’m an elephant…
Photo credit: Unknown. Found randomly on the internet. If you know to whom credit is due, let me know.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Favourites of the Week: 16/3-22/3

Nothing too profound this week. Perhaps next week... we'll see. Definitely some that I like, I didn't have to search for favourites or anything, but no deep thoughts on them :~) And yes, I'll try to get some normal blogs posted before next week's photo blog...

kind of a reminder of why I am here...

This cow was so relaxed. There were people working all around, and she just didn't even care.

I like this picture because I look really happy. I probably won't post too many selfies in here, but I like this one.

No real reason. Just like how it turned out

I was taking pictures of this guy, and when he saw me, I thought he'd be annoyed, but he stopped and posed for me instead. I like it when people do that. It makes me feel like less of a jerk for taking their pictures.

This was one of my favourite pictures from the wedding. It turned out a little blurry, but everyone looks so happy. There was a part where the bride and groom had to take turns standing up and pouring rice over the other's head. Whenever the bride had to stand, she would stand on the hem of her saree, and almost fall over. Each time it happened, there was more and more laughter. Overall, the wedding was a very solemn affair, so this picture shows a little bit of levity in it.

I like the togetherness in this photo. And especially the husband's hands supporting the wife's hands. Sort of being her protector and whatnot. I couldn't understand what was happening, so I could be totally off, but that's what I think when I see it. They're working together to hold up the water jug. 
I was having a hard time getting any decent photos at the concert, then this one happened. Mainly because he's bald. I honestly think that if he had hair, it would be a crap picture. But the dark photo with an outline of light around everything was perfect.

The lyrics... need I say more?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Favourites of the week: 9/3-15/3

I'm going to start doing a "Favourites of the week" blog, and will post my favourite pictures that I have taken during the week. People who look at my Facebook photos will have seen these already, but I wanted to get some of the photos out there more, plus it's a good place to look if you only want to see perhaps 20 or so pictures rather than the dozens that I post some weeks.
Sometimes there will be more photos, sometimes less, depending upon how many pictures (and how many good pictures) I've taken during the week.
The best photos thing isn't really up for argument. You may not like some of the pictures I post, but they're the pictures that I happen to like the best.
Sunset during a walk one of my first evenings here. Sunsets tend to soften things, making even the city look beautiful.
This dog was so relaxed, sitting in the median in the middle of the road. He seemed to be absorbed in his own thoughts as he pretended nothing existed around him.
Right after this picture was taken, I walked past this lady, and she stopped mid-purchase, and turned around to watch me as I walked by. I don't think she even noticed that I took her picture (I was a ways back, and used the zoom), but she definitely noticed me.
I guess I just liked the bright colours of this temple. It looked freshly painted, and contrasted with the bike repair shops and things of that nature that surrounded it,

There were so many of these little old ladies sitting alongside the road begging. It's almost harder for me to see that than to see the kids begging. For the kids at least there is a chance of hope. For these women, you do not see any hope in their eyes.
This one was kind of an accident. These eagles, or hawks or whatever they are, were playing around on the thermals rising off the rocks. They swooped and spun, not hovering as raptors often do. I don't think they were looking for food, I think they were just having fun. I was bummed when this one flew just out of the screen, but when I looked at the pictures later, I was very happy with how it turned out. I like the accidental composition
I'm not entirely sure why I chose this picture. I rather like the detail in the stone wall, and the colour contrast. I think that's pretty much my reasoning. 
This little guy couldn't decide if it was more important to hide or to figure out what on earth I am. His Mom chose a brilliant place to hide her puppies. There's water, food, privacy, sunshine, and shade. They live right next to a spring, which it protected by great boulders like the one he is hiding behind. I wanted to cuddle with him so bad, but Mom wasn't real thrilled with my presence there.
Do you see him? Such incredible camoflage
It took a few shots to get one that focused beyond the rock wall, but I'm glad I took the time. This might be my absolute favourite of this week.
Everyone complains that pigeons are gross and dirty, but I love the colours in their feathers, and the way they shine in the sun. And in my opinion, they are some pretty darn elegant looking birds. Also, I really don't care about statues, so if pigeons want to crap on them, that's fine by me.
This man was here when I went up the hill, but he was sitting, and the cat was laying well away from people. I guessed it was a typical street cat who had no interest in humans. And then I came down and saw this. They aren't really snuggling, but simply giving each other companionship. Moments like this, between a person and an animal aren't that common here, but when you see one, it often makes for an eye-catching photo  
I just like how clear his feathers turned out. I really don't have a good reason for this one either. It caught my eye, so I chose it.

These horns always make me think of my Dad. And the way this one was tied to the mirror, and the vivid colours... I don't know. I guess most things come down to colour for me here.
This was outside of a shop, and all three of the females in the picture are so different. You have the little girl, waiting for her Mom. Many would probably say that she is too young to be alone near a busy road, even if the lady inside is her Mom. Too much of a chance that she could be hit by a car, or snatched, or who knows. The woman in the advert, and the one in the store, are about as different as can be. It still startles me when I see these underwear ads here. For a culture so mindful of modesty, it seems strange that they would post huge pictures of scantily clad women on the walls of buildings.
Will this little girl grow up to be more like the woman in the ad, or the woman in the shop? Will she go more for the modern, or the traditional? Modesty, or wearing what is popular? I'm not saying that she would necessarily be an underwear model, but what will her values be as she grows up?
This dog seemed bored with life, as though guarding these ads was just too much for him. He didn't even shift when I walked up to take the picture. He may have glanced up, but even that was half-hearted. His eyes struck me though. I've always loved pale coloured dog eyes. Absolutely stunning. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Everything an Adventure

Come to find, one day a week, High Tension Road (a road near my flat, thus named for the high tension lines running the length of it, rather than for being a place where tempers flare) turns into an impressive market which rivals some covered markets that remain permanently in one place.
The market spills into side roads like streams trickling down from a river. These typically mellow streets become increasingly crowded and noisy as you near HT road. Large, ungainly carts filled with vegetables, more delicate carts carrying costume jewelry, tarps spread on the ground, carrying any manner of items from mirrors to dishes to more piles of fruits and vegetables; all fill the sides of the road.
Vehicles are forced to slow, and even motorcycles cannot dodge so easily as usual through the foot traffic. Everyone is in shopping mode, focused on the stall they are looking at in that very moment. Very little distracts them from the task at hand.
One thing will distract most of the shoppers however, and that is the sight of a white girl walking through this market. People stop in their tracks and stare. And not only the children. An older woman stopped in the midst of her shopping, straightened up, and turned to continue watching as I walked past.
 I walked, smiling at people who stared, and trying not to gawk at the colours and sights. And trying to focus on the things I needed to buy as well as the swirling activity around me.
I needed fruit and veggies pretty bad this week, but next week, I plan to focus more on photography. Perhaps go a little earlier, find a place to get some coffee or something and sit and take pictures. Some people may say that it is a touristy thing; that if I grew up here, or was at least more used to the culture, I wouldn’t even notice it. But I think I would. It’s all the colours. There is chaos, but somehow it is lacking the frantic ‘serve me now!’ mentality that say, an American mall would have. And really, I could probably enjoy myself spending a day in a mall, taking pictures of people. But somehow I feel that I would end up with a visit from the cops, and would perhaps even be kicked out of the mall. Heck, I got in trouble for doing a photo scavenger hunt in Walmart when I was about 14. Here though, people smile. Or they ignore me. Either way, they are not terribly concerned by the fact that I am taking pictures.
Relaxed chaos. The colours of the produce, and women’s sarees. The babble of voices as I catch a few words here and a few there, whether English, or part of the limited Hindi that I recognize. It is both an adventure, and it is typical, everyday life. Which is the way life should be. Everything an adventure.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Old Man and the Dog

I was wandering through town, taking random pictures of things when I saw this street dog just chilling in the middle of the street. He seemed so relaxed despite the chaos around him. I stood for a while, taking pictures of the dog, trying to get a good shot between the passing vehicles.
Just as I stopped to take pictures of the dog, an elderly man passed me. He stopped and turned, then stood there, watching me take pictures. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, but could not tell if he was interested, or displeased, or really what his thoughts were. I tried to not feel awkward as he watched, and as soon as I finished with the pictures, I started to walk down the road in the opposite direction from the man.
He stopped me though, saying ma’am to get my attention. After that, he said something that I didn’t understand, then motioned to my camera. He took his glasses off, I think to make himself look more distinguished, and stood for a photo. He thanked me, I showed him the photo, then he thanked me again and walked away.
It always intrigues me when men do this. It is often older men who want their photo taken. My Mom had a security guard who wanted her to take his picture when she was here. They pose in a very solemn manner, and don’t even seem terribly interested in seeing the photo afterward. They just want it taken. It’s fine by me, because I end up with interesting pictures, but it also makes me curious as to why this is such a special thing. I’m used to little kids asking to have their photos taken, but am still rather taken aback when older gentlemen do the same.