Thursday, August 22, 2013


Strange as it may sound, given the fact that I am now 26, this year was only the 2nd birthday I have spent away from home. And oh my goodness, was it different than the last one. My first birthday away from home was my 24th, and it was not really the best birthday I’ve ever had.
I was working in VT at the time, and took the day off of work specifically because I did not want to spend the day at the farm. I took off 2 days in a row, and drove a couple of hours to go hiking. I spent a lot of time stressed, because my gps wasn’t taking me where I wanted to go, and spent a lot of time wondering what the heck I was doing in VT. I ended up having a fairly pleasant time, just exploring Queechee gorge, and checking out a farm and a glass blowing company, but it was still something that had to be forced. I knew that in order to enjoy my birthday, I had to really make a huge effort.
Here, I didn’t have to do that. I went get my folks from the airport (they got in about an hour after my birthday ended. Though, really, they got here when it was still my birthday in the States :~) ). I started the morning with coffee, a motorcycle ride, and breakfast with my best friend. Had to work, but hey, I love my job, so it was totally fine. Worked with my awesome little Hercules, snuggled with the kitten, then went to the office, and spent some time with friends here. Had a great lunch with the ladies in the office. Delicious indian food :~) Wasn’t hugely thrilled about the fact that the drive to Bangalore was 8ish hours, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, considering why I was going. And I really enjoyed being down on the plains in the evening. It was pretty neat. Everyone ending their day, and making their way home with bullock carts, and herds of cattle and goats. Groups reclining on sacks of vegetables and whatnot in the backs of lorries. In spite of the fact that we were racing down the road, attempting to avoid the motorcycles that darted out in front of us, it was somehow very peaceful watching everyone making their unhurried way home.

It was such a wonderful day. My sister said in her card that she hoped it would be the best birthday I’ve had thus far, and if it wasn’t the best, it was certainly close.