Would we be different as a world if we were taught the truth about how precious life is? Sometimes I look at the world, and I just have to wonder how we ended up where we are. A world where abortion is allowed, and fought for as a "right". A world where the authorities turn a blind eye to human trafficking, and people do "sex tourism", raping their way across continents. A world where people walk into schools and movie theatres with guns, shooting everyone who stands in their line of sight. A world that just seems so messed up.
After reading the Hunger games, I stopped for a moment, and thought, "Seriously? How long would it honestly take our world to get to a point like that, a point where we revel in bloodthirsty games such as that? But no, many would argue that we are too advanced for that. Look at Rome though. They were an advanced civilization, and they had the gladiator games. And really, all that is necessary for this to come true is a complete disregard of human life.
And we are well on our way to that disregard. We kill off "unwanted", "inconvenient" babies instead of giving them up for adoption. People are fighting to legalize euthanasia for elderly people. And couples are able, and even encouraged to "terminate" their pregnancies (really just a fancy word for having an abortion) if tests show that the baby has some sort of a handicap.
We place worth on people as though we are pricing furniture. This person is too old, this person will have no quality of life, and on and on. But really, it is only a way to justify killing them. Of course, killing is given different names. "Termination", "Euthanasia", "Choice" "Mercy killing:. And we gives those being killed different names. ""Fetus", "Terminal patient", "Vegetable". And how does this differ so much from the Hunger Games? Instead of calling them murders, they called them games. Instead of victims, or children, they called them Tributes, acting as though it is an honour to kill and be killed for their district, and for the whole world.
And ultimately, why is this allowed? It is allowed because certain people decide that life doesn't matter, and they brainwash the world into thinking that what they are doing is simply the way it is supposed to be. The worst part of it? The thing that makes this all possible? No one stands up for what they know is right until it is too late. They accept it; giving in to what has been decided for them. And eventually, many believe that what is happening really is ok.
Are we accepting what happens in our world without question? Those who don't care about life, who want to get rid of "inconveniences", are the outspoken ones, they are making a stand, and they are getting their agenda passed while we sit and hope that abortion will end, and the world will change for the better. But something needs to be done. We have to fight back. We have to make our stand. A battle is not won by an army that sits in their camp pretending that the enemy doesn't exist. An army wins by fighting.
First, we have to pray. Nothing will be changed if we do not prepare for battle. And the only way to prepare for a battle such as this is through prayer. And we need to stand up for what we know is right. We need to give voice to those who have no voices.
Proverbs 24:11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
After reading the Hunger games, I stopped for a moment, and thought, "Seriously? How long would it honestly take our world to get to a point like that, a point where we revel in bloodthirsty games such as that? But no, many would argue that we are too advanced for that. Look at Rome though. They were an advanced civilization, and they had the gladiator games. And really, all that is necessary for this to come true is a complete disregard of human life.
And we are well on our way to that disregard. We kill off "unwanted", "inconvenient" babies instead of giving them up for adoption. People are fighting to legalize euthanasia for elderly people. And couples are able, and even encouraged to "terminate" their pregnancies (really just a fancy word for having an abortion) if tests show that the baby has some sort of a handicap.
We place worth on people as though we are pricing furniture. This person is too old, this person will have no quality of life, and on and on. But really, it is only a way to justify killing them. Of course, killing is given different names. "Termination", "Euthanasia", "Choice" "Mercy killing:. And we gives those being killed different names. ""Fetus", "Terminal patient", "Vegetable". And how does this differ so much from the Hunger Games? Instead of calling them murders, they called them games. Instead of victims, or children, they called them Tributes, acting as though it is an honour to kill and be killed for their district, and for the whole world.
And ultimately, why is this allowed? It is allowed because certain people decide that life doesn't matter, and they brainwash the world into thinking that what they are doing is simply the way it is supposed to be. The worst part of it? The thing that makes this all possible? No one stands up for what they know is right until it is too late. They accept it; giving in to what has been decided for them. And eventually, many believe that what is happening really is ok.
Are we accepting what happens in our world without question? Those who don't care about life, who want to get rid of "inconveniences", are the outspoken ones, they are making a stand, and they are getting their agenda passed while we sit and hope that abortion will end, and the world will change for the better. But something needs to be done. We have to fight back. We have to make our stand. A battle is not won by an army that sits in their camp pretending that the enemy doesn't exist. An army wins by fighting.
First, we have to pray. Nothing will be changed if we do not prepare for battle. And the only way to prepare for a battle such as this is through prayer. And we need to stand up for what we know is right. We need to give voice to those who have no voices.
Proverbs 24:11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.